The Ask a Librarian Quality Assurance Workgroup is pleased to announce the July and August 2022 Exemplary Reference Award Winners!
Renee P. (AAL Virtual Reference Specialist)
Shan B. (USF Libraries)
Please join us in congratulating our winners as they set the bar for providing exemplary virtual reference services for Ask a Librarian! Want to see what a winning chat looks like? Click here to view the winners from the month’s listed above.
The Ask a Librarian collaborative desks (Statewide and Academic) will close on the following days. You will not see the option to staff these desks until we reopen them the next day. Your library’s local desk will remain available to staff if you choose to do so during these closures.
November 2023
*Special Academic Desk Closure November 23 through January 1*
11/10 and 11/11 (Friday and Saturday) Veterans Day Observed and Veterans Day
Please note: The Chat Dashboard section was re-recorded due to a technology issue during the live webinar. The new version better displays what the patron sees on their end.
The Ask a Librarian Quality Assurance Workgroup is pleased to announce the January and February 2022 Exemplary Reference Award Winners!
BRIEF CHAT- Ciara H. (Valencia College)
DETAILED CHAT- Beth J. (Sanibel Public Library)
BRIEF CHAT- Alyssa D. (St Petersburg College)
DETAILED CHAT- Diana M. (Santa Fe College)
Please join us in congratulating our winners as they set the bar for providing exemplary virtual reference services for Ask a Librarian! Want a look at what a winning chat transcript looks like? Click here for this group’s winning chats.
The Ask a Librarian collaborative desks (Statewide and Academic) will close on the following days. You will not see the option to staff these desks until we reopen them the next day. Your library’s local desk will remain available to staff if you choose to do so during these closures.
November 2022
*Special Academic Desk Closure November 24 through January 2*