Author: Kelly Doty
October 2021-September 2022 Holiday Closings
The Ask a Librarian collaborative desks (Statewide and Academic) will close on the following days. You will not see the option to staff these desks until we reopen them the next day. Your library’s local desk will remain available to staff if you choose to do so during these closures.
November 2021
*Special Academic Desk Closure November 25 through January 1*
11/11 (Thursday) Veterans Day
11/25-11/27 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) Thanksgiving
December 2021
12/24-1/1 (Friday through the next Saturday, Re-opening Sunday, Jan. 2) Winter Break
January 2022
*Academic Desk Reopens on 1/2 along with Statewide after the Winter Break*
1/17 (Monday) MLK Jr. Day
April 2022
4/16-4/17 (Saturday and Sunday) Spring Holiday
May 2022
5/30 (Monday) Memorial Day
June 2022
6/19 (Sunday) Juneteenth
July 2022
7/4 (Monday) Independence Day
September 2022
9/5 (Monday) Labor Day
If your library will close outside of these dates, please seek coverage help from the AskRef ListServ:
Email Mishaps
Creating and Using System Canned Messages
Add Canned Messages specific to your library which can be accessed by all users in your Ask a Librarian local department. These can only be added and edited by site coordinators.
Adding Your Library to Your Last Name
We ask that all users add their library name to their last name, making it easier for other libraries to see where you’re from and helping to sort through statistics.
Setting Your Nickname for Chat
Nicknames display to the patron through chat instead of your profile name designated within the Springshare system. You will not see your nickname from within the dashboard – only patrons see this information.
Idle Chat Messages
An automated message can be sent after you’ve been idle for a specific number of minutes (if you’ve had to leave your computer to find something up for the patron). This will let them know you are still there and actively working to answer their question.
Who is Helping Me Monitor This Desk?
This is one of the most common questions we’re asked: “Am I alone on here?”
Setting Up SMS Auto-Responders
Springshare will send automated text responses to patrons when an SMS question is sent outside of designated hours.
Change the Success Message on Email Forms
Success Messages can be edited to indicate library closures when a patron submits an email ticket through a form.
How to Retrieve Transcripts
You can view transcripts from past chat sessions