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West Florida Public Library

Library Website:

Library locations, hours and phone numbers: 

Dummy Log In: NOT to be given to patrons! Card Number: 1236501849243 PIN#: 9243

Catalog Questions

Link to catalog:

ILL: For additional details & the complete WFPL ILL Policy:

The West Florida Public Library (WFPL) System’s Interlibrary Loan Service offers library card holders in good standing the ability to request materials not owned by our library system, from other libraries around the state and across the U.S. InterLibrary Loan Department: 850.436.5066

Purchase Suggestions:


Password Help: Patron PIN numbers are initially set to the last four digits of the patron’s home phone number at the time of issue of their library card.  Contact the library (850-436-5060) if login problems continue.

The WFPL does not have access to patrons’ login information for e-audio resources (OneClick Digital).  This information was selected by the patron specifically for this service upon creating an account . If they know their username but have forgotten their password, they can use the “forgot password” link in the One login screen. Their password will be sent to the email address that they provided when they signed up. If they have forgotten both their username and password, they will need to contact OneClick.

OneClick login screen: (NEEDS UPDATE!!!)

OneClick support: (NEEDS UPDATE!!!)

Library Card Issues:

Ebook Help: WFPL’s selection of ebooks is available through EBSCO and currently is NOT downloadable to any device. Patrons may view ebooks on a computer or iPad (no other tablet) that is connected to the Internet to view and read ebooks as a webpage. Patrons do not have to have a username and password for ebooks, though they may create an account for bookmarking and notes at the sign-in link at the top right of the EBSCOhost  page. They must keep track of username/password if they create an account.

Portal to ebooks and Audiobooks: 

EBSCO site:,cpid&custid=s8424018&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nlebk

We do not offer OneClickDigital’s ebooks.

One Click Digital Audiobooks: (NEEDS UPDATE!!!)

Media manager download: (NEEDS UPDATE!!!)

Note to librarians helping patrons with ebooks and audiobooks:

Patrons will receive the best help if they contact OneClick Support themselves. OneClick’s help line number is 1-877-77-AUDIO.

They can also send a support request: (NEEDS UPDATE!!!)

Printing: 10¢ per printed page (printing is only available from Library computers)

15¢ charge per page for B&W photocopies

Outgoing fax services are available at the Main Library Reference Department (Monday-Thursday 10:00AM-4:30PM, Friday 10:00 AM -3:30 PM).  Local faxing costs $1.00 per page.  For long-distance faxes there is a $3.00 charge for the first page & $1.00 charge for each additional page.  NO Incoming Faxes!

Ask a Librarian Public FAQ:

Research Help

Link for databases or to database search page:

Other Helpful Information

Policies and Library Use: 

WFPL Code of Conduct:

Circulation Policy:

WFPL library cards are issued free of charge to Escambia County residents. The non-resident fee is $50 per year.  Because of the large number of visitors who take extended vacations each year in Escambia County, non-resident patrons may qualify for a special exemption.

Patrons are allowed to check out 15 books (combination of juvenile and adult), 4 DVDs, 8 magazines, 4 books on CD, and 4 audio CDs.

Reserves Policy:

Holds can be placed online through the Catalog.  After an item is located in the catalog, look for the “Place Hold” option on the left side of the screen. Library Card Number and PIN are required.  The default PIN is the last four digits of the patron’s phone number. A patron may also call the Receptionist at the Main Library (850-436-5060) or contact the Reference Deck (850-436-5063) to request a hold.  Available items/holds will not be pulled from the shelf until the next business day.  If the patron needs the item the same day, he/she may call ahead to the library branch where the item is held to request that the item be pulled from the shelf and set aside.  This same day service is not guaranteed as it depends on available staff, but WFPL staff will accommodate patrons when possible. Once an item becomes available or is pulled to be placed on hold, it will be held for the patron three (3) calendar days excluding Sunday before the next patron is notified or it is returned to the shelf.

Genealogy Library Information:

The West Florida Genealogy Library is a reference & research library only (materials in its collection do NOT circulate). The collection is focused on genealogy and local history for the area. Local History resources about the City of Pensacola, Escambia County, West Florida, and Surrounding Alabama Counties include maps, books, newspaper clippings, telephone books, and archived Pensacola City Directories (only the most current issue of the Pensacola City Directory is available at the Main Library). Archived copies of the Pensacola News Journal from 1954 to present (with some sporadic issues between 1824 – 1919) are stored at this location on microfilm. Also, all microfilm owned by the WFPL is at this location.

Genealogy Library staff and WFGS volunteers are available to assist with patron information searches, including obituary requests (some fees maybe required).  Further inquires can be made by phone during regular business hours (Tuesdays – Saturdays 10AM-6PM) or by e-mail at

Volunteering: Volunteer information and forms are found on the Escambia County website.

Recruitment of Minors

Volunteers may not be below the age of 12. Volunteers between the ages of 12-14 may not participate in   volunteer service for the County without a parent or guardian present at all times. Volunteers between the ages of 15-17 must have the written consent of a parent or guardian prior to volunteering. The volunteer services assigned to a minor should be performed in a non-hazardous environment and should comply with all appropriate requirements of child labor laws.

Adult Volunteers are over the age of 18 and may serve individually or as part of a group. They perform a variety of tasks to be mutually determined with their supervisor. Volunteers working with children may be required to complete a background check.

Wireless Service & Computer Use:

Free use & access to WiFi is available within WFPL branches during regular business hours.  No password is required, only a wireless capable laptop.The Main Library has designated areas on the second floor for WiFi use that also provide access to electrical outlets.  Please inquire at the Computer Department for further assistance.

Use of the Library’s computers will require a valid library card or a temp card (which can be issued with a valid picture ID).

Special Features:

Library Calendar:

Facebook: (NEEDS UPDATE!!!)


Site Coordinator Contact

Amanda McDonald